Friday, November 15, 2019

Look What We've Been Doing

 Genre Tasting
This week we partnered up with 4A and participated in a Genre Tasting morning. The students loved this format of being exposed to a variety of different book genres. They made a reservation with a group of 6 students and rotated through 8 different genre tables. The genres that we focused on this time were - Biography, Informational, Science Fiction, Humor, Graphic Novels, Realistic Fiction, Fantasy and Fairy Tales. After spending some time looking at the books they were "served", they chose one and read a portion of it. Following this, they completed a rating sheet of their book and had some time to share with their table mates. After rotating through all 8 tables, the students completed a reflection and were served a little treat. The students loved this activity!



Remembrance Day Ceremony

The grade 4 students did an amazing job reciting "In Flanders Fields". There were also some students who sang in the choir, led by Mrs. Stanski.  

The students also worked hard on poppy art that was displayed in the gym for the ceremony. 

Our Kidblog posts for the week were:
Weekend Update - Monday
Talk About it Tuesday - Favourite Reading Genre
WeSearch Wednesday - What is Climate?
Week in Review - 3 Things I Learned, 2 Things I Liked and 1 Question I Have

We spent some time learning about verbs. A verb is a word that shows the action in a sentence. It shows what someone or something is doing. 

We also spent some time reviewing the cursive letters A and D. We will work our way through the alphabet focusing on the proper formation of all of the letters. 

In Math, we completed our assessment on the first few lessons in our Place Value unit. The students were assessed on the following outcomes:
- identifying the place value of digits in two, three and four digit numbers
- writing number words for numbers up to ten thousand

 Congratulations to our XtraMath stars!! Extra practice at home is sure paying off!


In Social Studies, we began our study of Alberta - A Sense of the Land. We started by filling out a KWL chart about Alberta. We also completed a dictionary dig to learn the definitions of some common terms that will be used throughout the unit. 


We also completed an assignment where the students had to research the climate in several cities and towns in Alberta. They were given the Government of Canada - Alberta Weather Conditions link in classroom. They were asked to find the minimum and maximum temperatures for each place and record it in the chart. Using this information the students were asked what they noticed about the temperatures throughout Alberta. 

Congratulations to our first STUDENT OF THE WEEK!!


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