Friday, January 31, 2020

January 27-30

January 27 - 30

It’s hard to believe that we are officially half done the school year. Where has the time gone? The students have grown so much. I’m looking forward to the second half of Grade 4 with this great group of kids!

The students had a lot of fun participating in our Crazy Hair Day on Thursday!

We enjoyed our presentation by a Devon RCMP constable regarding internet safety.

Thank you to the Grade 3 students who came to our classroom this week to present their Australian animal research reports.


Our Kidblog writing schedule this week included:

Talk About it Tuesday - Favourite Cartoon Character

WeSearch Wednesday - Foxes

3, 2, 1 Thursday - Week in Review

We continued our Fantastic Mr. Fox novel study this week. Each day the students complete the following:

1. Quick Write - This is a question that the students answer before reading the chapters. The quick write question gets their minds warmed up and thinking in the direction the chapters will take them. It also helps the students make Text to Self connections.

2. Vocabulary - The students learn 3 new vocabulary words by completing fill-in-the blanks sentences using these specific words.

3. True/False or Sequencing - They either answer True or False questions or Sequence five specific events from the chapters.

4. Beyond - The beyond activities require the students to use their imagination to answer some upper-level thinking questions.

We reviewed the cursive letters Kk, Bb and Ff.



This week in math we continued with our Multiplication unit. We focused on:

- defining the word product. When you multiply a pair of numbers, the result is called the product of the number.

- multiplying by ten, one hundred, one thousand, and their multiples.

- using arrays to multiply a pair of numbers. Arrays are useful representations of multiplication concepts. 

This array has 4 rows with 3 stars in each row. This is referred to as a 4 x 3 array. This 4 x 3 array has 12 stars in it, or 4 x 3 = 12

Congrats to our XtraMath superstar!

Social Studies

In social studies we covered the following topics:

Languages - The most commonly spoken First Nations languages in Alberta are Blackfoot, Cree, Chipewyan, Dene, Sarcee, and Stoney. Unfortunately, most of these languages are endangered. The students enjoyed writing our number words 0-10 in Cree.

Metis - The Metis are the aboriginal people of Canada who are of both First Nation and European Ancestry. The Metis speak a language called Michif, a language that is a mixture of Cree and French. The students were provided with the link to find the translations for many common English greetings and words. 

Settling in Alberta - We also learned about how the French and British colonized North America and how Alberta became a province in 1905. 

Treaties - A Treaty is an agreement between two nations. Treaties were signed all over Canada. In Alberta, treaties 6. 7. & 8 were signed by different First Nations with the government. 


This week in PE we focused on the importance of keeping our hearts healthy and our bodies active. The students enjoyed participating in Tic Tac Toe and Scarf Balance relays, as well as, Zones of Regulation centres.


Friday, January 24, 2020

January 20 - 24

January 20 - 24

We started off the week with a trip to Rabbit Hill. The students took ski or snowboard lessons and then they spent the day practicing their new skills. They had a lot of fun and progressed so much! We are looking forward to our next trip to Rabbit Hill in March!

Our Kidblog writing schedule this week included:

Talk About it Tuesday - Rabbit Hill Field Trip

WeSearch Wednesday - Skating

3, 2, 1 Thursday - Week in Review

The students did a great job of performing the song “Cool Kind Kid” at the Friday morning assembly. The song was chosen to go along with the school theme for the month, which is manners and good behaviour. 


We started a novel study this week. Fantastic Mr. Fox, by Roald Dahl is about a cunning fox who outwits three farmers at every turn. Mr. Fox doesn't realize how determined the farmers are to get him! 
This whole group novel study allows the students the opportunity to read aloud to the class. This helps to build their fluency, expression and confidence. After every couple chapters, we complete various activities on vocabulary and comprehension.


We began our new unit in math on Multiplication and Division. The main focus this week was on sets and groups. The students were asked to determine which information was provided and which was not among: how many sets, how many in each set, how many altogether.


We learned about buffalo and how they were essential to the survival of the First Nations People, especially the Plains people. Every part of the buffalo/bison was used. Buffalo jumps, buffalo pounds, snow banks and water holes were all used by the First Nations people to hunt these animals. We watched this video to learn more about the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in Southern Alberta.

Thank you to Kairo's mom, Jasmine, for sharing some of her knowledge of the Cree culture and language with us. The students even learned the numbers 1-10 in Cree! 


We spent 3 days at the Dale Fisher Arena, practicing our skating skills. We were lucky enough to have some NAX players and coaches on the ice for the last 2 days. The students had a blast developing their skating skills while playing games and rotating through stations. Thank you so much to the volunteers who came to help tie skates and go on the ice with the students! 



Thank you to Ryker's family for bringing hot chocolate for our WHOLE CLASS!! What a treat to enjoy after skating on Thursday! 


We added the finishing touches to our Birch Tree and Birds pictures and they are now on display. They look fantastic!

We spent some time on Friday afternoon drawing in our sketchpads with 4A. The students were given the choice of using ArtHub for Kids, or just free drawing. They really enjoyed having the opportunity to be creative with friends from the other class.

Congratulations to our new Student of the Week!

Our Student of the Week is also collecting pop tabs for wheelchairs. He would love if you saved yours for him and sent them to school to add to his container! Thank you!

March 9th - 13th

March 9th - 13th Brain Waves On Monday the Grade 4 students were given a Brain Waves presentation by the local public health centre...