Saturday, September 14, 2019

Our First Full Week

We had a busy, full 5 day week! We started Kidblog on Monday and will be following the same routine each week. On Mondays, we will be blogging about our weekend. On Tuesdays, the students will answer a "Talk About it Tuesday" question. This week they wrote an opinion paragraph answering the question...Does a cat/kitten or dog/puppy make a better pet? They had to have 3 reasons stated in their paragraph. On Wednesdays, we will be doing some research on the chromebooks to answer a few questions about the topic for the week. Sometimes this project will take a couple Wednesdays to complete. This week, the students were given a link in the blog post to the Terry Fox site. They were given time to explore the site and make jot notes relating to the 2 questions posted; who is Terry Fox and why do we have a Terry Fox run each year? The students are able to use the "read and write" feature on their chromebook, which enables them to have the text on the site read to them. Finally, on Thursdays, we will do a "Week in Review". The post is called 3-2-1 and follows the format of: 3 Things I Learned, 2 Things I Liked and 1 Question I Have.

In Social Studies, we finished our Landforms Visual Dictionaries this week. The students completed the last 6 independently, using the chromebooks to help find the images. We have a class full of artistic kids!

We then continued working through our Mapping unit, reviewing Titles and Labels, Cardinal and Intermediate Directions and Relative Location. We even took a Healthy Hearts break to move our bodies to the different directions in our classroom. 

Here we are on the EAST side of the classroom!

We LOVE Epic books! This is a fantastic online reading site. The kids can read, have many different genres of books read to them and they can also listen to audio books. 

We started some cursive writing practice to see where everyone is at. The first booklet is a Fall Handwriting Joke Book. They are loving the layout. We will continue with cursive writing, including agenda notes.

Mindful colouring is something we welcome in our classroom. We take healthy hearts breaks and also healthy mind breaks. The students have a variety of colouring sheets they can work on for short periods of time during the day. They enjoy this time.

We had a lot of fun playing various locomotion games in P.E. Pacman tag, Hot Dog tag and Chuck the Pig are definitely favourites! We have daily P.E. and we will be rotating with the other grade 4 classes, to double up with. Every third week, we will have the gym to ourselves for the week!

In Math, we are working through our Pattern unit. We completed a little quiz on Friday and the students did great! We have now covered increasing and decreasing patterns, including word problems.

For Art this week, we walked through the steps to make their name in bubble letters. We then used a sharpie to outline and finally we coloured in the letters, adding bubbles of colour for the background.

Spy Tag is a game the students LOVE! We have been taking advantage of the beautiful afternoons, heading outside for Healthy Hearts time. The other grade 4 classes have been joining us.

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March 9th - 13th

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